PCCW Global partners with Ciena for Asian cable upgrade

PCCW Global partners with Ciena for Asian cable upgrade

HKT’s operating division PCCW Global has announced a partnership with Ciena to upgrade its subsea network to 100G.

The upgrade, which uses Ciena’s Wavelogic coherent networking solutions, will significantly increase the capacity of PCCW Global’s North Asian subsea routes, which connect Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan over approximately 9,800 km of cable.

PCCW will use Ciena’s 100G networking processors to light a ring of dark fibre on the RNAL cable system. It is claimed that this will allow the system to support significantly more than its original design capacity.

An upgrade to monitoring equipment is also included in the partnership and will allow PCCW to actively monitor the health and performance of its existing equipment.

Marc Halbfinger, CEO of PCCW Global, said, "With this deployment, we are pleased to be the Asia-based early adopter in deploying coherent 100G technology on a submarine cable system. The network expansion will significantly enhance the capacity of our network, allowing us to better serve our customers and support the delivery of high-performance data networking services and traffic growth driven by smartphones, high definition video, and sophisticated enterprise connectivity applications such as cloud computing."


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