The addition of Roaming NRTRDE (near real time roaming data exchange) into the Belgian service provider’s FraudGuard platform is designed to help operators to protect themselves against the most sophisticated of telecoms fraud threats.
“Voice fraud continues to be a major problem within the industry which can have a potentially devastating impact on the revenues of operators of all sizes,” said Jorn Vercamert, VP of voice at BICS.
“By expanding the remit of FraudGuard, BICS is arming operators with the tools to proactively protect themselves, their customers and their revenues.”
BICS predicts that roaming fraud costs the industry more than $6 billion per year worldwide and the latest addition to the FraudGuard solution is expected to provide a cost-effective and seamless solution to protection against it.
FraudGuard is fortified with revenue analytics to deliver a fully integrated solution and identifies more than 100 new threat per day.
“BICS is committed to the continued development of fraud solution to protect customers proactively against the increasingly sophisticated methods being deployed by fraudsters,” said Katia Gonzalez, head of fraud operations and services at BICS.
“By working together with the industry and developing protection based on actual threats, BICS is leading the fight against telecoms fraud.”