Capacity opens the 20 Top Telco Vendors power list 2024

Capacity opens the 20 Top Telco Vendors power list 2024

Top Telco Vendors 2024.png

Capacity is proud to unveil its power list celebrating the top vendors from across the wider telecoms and ICT ecosystem. Submissions are now open!

With some of the biggest innovation occurring in the vendor space, Capacity is shining a spotlight on the companies developing the products that are driving this wave of network transformation and evolution.

For the purposes of this power list, Capacity defines a telecoms vendor as a commercial supplier of software or hardware.

Whether your are an equipment vendor, software vendor or component manufacturer, we want to learn about these amazing companies and to hear from you.

As with previous listings, this index will evaluate a company's key market differentiators, most recent milestones and real-life success stories over the past 12 months. With clear examples of how they are driving innovation and doing things differently.

Please note the submission rules:

1. Entries are selected by the Capacity Editorial team based on the merit of each submission, not on the number of nominations, therefore please only submit one entry per company.

2. Please do not copy and paste entries. The team sees all submissions and will know if the same form has been submitted by multiple people and it will affect your chances of being selected.

3. Try not to be repetitive, if it will not add to your submission in any way please don't include it.

4. Substantiate your claims. Show us how amazing your company is - give us specific and noteworthy real-life examples!

5. Please write in full sentences with clear, concise English.

6. Entries sent after the close of the deadline, or those submitted by email, will not be accepted.

Selected by the Capacity editorial team, the final list will be announced in the next issue of Capacity Magazine.

The deadline for nominations is Monday 4th November 2023, 5pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Due to production deadlines, no extensions will be given!

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