GlobalNet completes DWDM network expansion across Central Europe

GlobalNet completes DWDM network expansion across Central Europe


GlobalNet, a leading backbone internet service provider, has completed the deployment of a fully protected, ring-based Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) network across Central Europe.

The newly expanded infrastructure features two interconnected fibre optic rings, strengthening connectivity between key cities in the region and boosting network reliability.

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The first ring connects Frankfurt, Berlin, Warsaw, Katowice, and Prague, while the second links Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Vienna, Bratislava, and Prague.

This expansion forms a unified DWDM system, significantly enhancing regional data traffic management.

Crucial to this development were the recently launched points of presence (PoPs) in Prague and Bratislava, which bridged previously isolated network segments.

These critical nodes will play a pivotal role in managing traffic flow from Eastern Europe and the Balkans, making Prague and Bratislava essential hubs in the expanded network.

The company’s enhanced DWDM network now supports a variety of high-performance services, including DWDM, Wavelength, L2VPN, and VLAN, along with DATAIX Internet Exchange services.

With bandwidth options up to 400G per port, the expansion delivers robust solutions for businesses, enterprises, and ISPs in need of high-speed, high-capacity data connections.

The ring-based architecture offers improved network redundancy and dramatically reduces latency via alternative pathways, ensuring seamless and uninterrupted service delivery.


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