MEF names 24 service providers certified for MEF 3.0

MEF names 24 service providers certified for MEF 3.0

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MEF has announced that 24 global service providers now offer a combined total of 77 certified MEF 3.0 SD-WAN and Carrier Ethernet (CE) services.

As a result of these certifications, all 24 service providers demonstrate that their solutions conform to MEF’s rigorous specifications for standardised network services.

“The large number of MEF 3.0 certifications celebrated today represents a key milestone on our journey to develop a global federation of dynamic, trusted, and certified services that power enterprise digital transformation,” said Nan Chen (pictured), president of MEF.

“I wish to congratulate each service provider for achieving MEF 3.0 certification and demonstrating their commitment to delivering innovative solutions with compelling value for customers.”

The follows the first announcement made in March, naming the first four companies, Comcast Business, PCCW Global, Spectrum Enterprise, and Telia Company, to become MEF 3.0 SD-WAN certified.

Joining them as MEF 3.0 CE Service Providers are: Bell Canada, BOnline, CAT, CMC Networks, CMC Telecom, DOCOMO PACIFIC, euNetworks, Fiberail, LinkNet, Marcatel, Maxis Broadband, Moratelindo, Open Fiber, Orange Business Services, Sparklight Business, Telxius, TIME, SSE Enterprise Telecoms, UFINET and VNPT.

“As the only Canadian service provider to offer MEF 3.0 certified services, along with the country’s largest team of active MEF certified professionals, Bell is supporting our customers in their digital transformation journeys with SLA backed performance aligned with international standards,” said Jeremy Wubs, senior vice president of marketing for Bell Business Markets, Bell Canada.

“As a network-native digital services company, Orange Business Services is proud to be one of the first global service providers to deliver a certified MEF 3.0 Carrier Ethernet service, and we are pleased to see how new SD-WAN certifications are gaining more and more traction” said Franck Morales, vice president of connectivity services at Orange Business Services and MEF Board Advisory Director.

In addition, Telia Company is now both MEF 3.0 SD-WAN and MEF 3.0 CE Service Providers certified.

“Telia is proud to be the first service provider in the world to have successfully achieved both MEF 3.0 Carrier Ethernet and SD-WAN certifications,” said Tomi Airola, head of business networking at Telia Company.

“We view our MEF 3.0 certifications as key steps in addressing the requirements of our enterprise and wholesale customers to accelerate our customers’ digital transformation journey.

As such, MEF 3.0 CE services provides the highest level of performance, assurance, and agility available in what Vertical Systems Group estimates is a $60+ billion global CE services market.

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