Deutsche Telekom launches SME cloud platform

Deutsche Telekom launches SME cloud platform

Deutsche Telekom has partnered with several cloud developers to launch its Business Marketplace, a cloud solution for small and medium enterprises.

The platform is designed to offer enterprises affordable solutions without the need for hardware and software investment. Solutions are controlled via a web portal with Deutsche Telekom being the single source of contact for both support and billing.

Deutsche Telekom is allowing several of its partner software applications from the Marketplace to be tested for free and without obligation until September 30.

These include the Strato HiDrive, a cloud-based storage solution, enabling SMEs to access data via various devices; Strato ScopeVisio, cloud-based software for sales, order processing and finance, and the iMeet videoconferencing service from PGI.

Project and content management solutions are set to be added to the platform in the near future through agreements with eZ Systems and Provantis IT Solutions. A cloud security solution by ClearPath is also set to be made available. Business Marketplace is based on a platform by software developer AppDirect

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