A life in the day of... Nathan Bell, director portfolio & marketing at Telstra Global

A life in the day of... Nathan Bell, director portfolio & marketing at Telstra Global


Nathan Bell’s day begins bright and early at 6am, when he likes to set off on a walk around his neighbourhood listening to tech podcasts to keep up-to-date with the latest market news and views.

After breakfast with his family, Bell takes public transport to his office in Singapore, utilising the journey to familiarise himself with the day’s schedule and begin prioritising meetings.

“Working in a growing business means there is a lot going on every day. But this is what makes the job exciting as every day brings new challenges,” he says.


Bell finds his mornings are normally allocated to Australia, early afternoon to Asia and late afternoon and evenings to Europe and the US. “Managing multiple time zones simply goes with the job,” he says.

In his role Bell oversees Telstra’s suite of global markets and drives the company’s marketing strategy. One of his main tasks at the moment is working with the IT and business operations teams on new portfolio projects to improve sustainability throughout Telstra Global. He also helps organise events projects with the marketing team.

To complicate matters further, his team is in the process of moving offices in Singapore. Luckily for them, the company has recognised the amount of time staff spend in the office, and has included a dedicated ‘chill out’ area in the new office floor plan.

During the day, Bell enjoys meeting with partners and customers to share experiences, particularly with regards to best practices and challenges in expanding into Asia. This is an attitude he carries with him abroad and he always likes to catch up with people he knows during business trips.

After work Bell likes to meet with his customers and friends in the city or takes a trip home to spend some time with the family.

If he is at home Bell likes to unwind in the evening by reading, writing his blog or learning about new technologies and innovations. Outside of the digital world he also enjoys playing tennis and golf.

His blog entries for the Telstra Global site typically have a cloud focus and he enjoys sharing his expertise and views on different aspects of the cloud ecosystem, including virtualisation and the development of cloud platforms. He is also keen to voice his opinion on the future of the cloud industry.

Among his 2013 predictions are that vendors will need to rethink their cloud solutions with less of a focus on hardware sales and that innovation will come from mashups of existing services and combined cloud, mobile and security considerations.

Bell admits he finds it difficult not to be glued to his phone when he is out of the office and if he could change anything about his day, it would be his ability to tackle the “ever evasive” work life balance.

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