Mexican government looks to reclaim broadcast spectrum

Mexican government looks to reclaim broadcast spectrum

The Mexican government has reportedly reached an agreement with companies holding broadcast spectrum in the country, over efforts to boost competition in the telecoms market.

According to the Transport and Communication ministry, a general agreement had been reached and a final decision on the proposals will be announced next week.

The government confirmed last year that it wanted to reclaim 68 licences issued for spectrum in the 2.5GHz band, 42 of which were held by MVS Comunicaciones, a Mexican media firm.

It is thought that the government is unhappy with the lack of progress made by the companies who own the spectrum in developing broadband services.

A plan was in place for those who own spectrum to provide services during 2015 and 2016, but MVS and other companies have failed in their efforts to develop products and were reportedly planning to resell the spectrum.

It remains to be seen how much spectrum the government will reclaim in the 190MHz band, but it is thought that just over two thirds has been targeted.

Mexico passed a telecoms reform bill to increase competition in the market earlier this year, intended to break América Móvil’s dominance in TV and internet services.

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