NJFX launches data centre with access to Europe and South America

NJFX launches data centre with access to Europe and South America

New Jersey Fiber Exchange (NJFX) announced that it is developing a 52,235 square foot data centre along the northern New Jersey coast.

The data centre will provide direct connections to international submarine cables, according to a company statement. 

As part of the agreement, NJFX is partnering with Tata Communications to provide co-location and other data centre services to global enterprises and carriers at the facility. 

The news comes after Tata announced it had bought into the Seabras-1 undersea cable, under construction to link North America and Brazil

Seaborn Networks, the project’s developer and operator, announced recently that Tata is purchasing “significant capacity” on the undersea cable, which will link the two countries with landing points in Wall, New Jersey, and Fortaleza and São Paulo in Brazil. 

The two-storey, tier-III data centre will have independent, direct access to undersea cables on the site, which connects North America, South America and Europe. The facility is expected to go live in 2016 and will be open to carriers, enterprises, carrier-neutral operators and cable companies. 

Carriers and enterprises using the NJFX location will also have access to Tata Communications’ global connectivity, built on the world’s largest and most advanced global subsea cable network.

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