Equinix launches third IBX in Singapore

Equinix launches third IBX in Singapore

Equinix has this week revealed the launch of its third international business exchange (IBX) in Singapore.

Named the SG3, the facility is expected to serve increasing demand for interconnected data centre facilities and managed services from the enterprise, financial services, carrier, cloud and IT sectors in Singapore, and is Equinix’s largest data centre in Asia-Pacific.

Orange Carriers Singapore, a global communications solutions provdiers and subsidiary of Orange Group, and Datapipe, a provider of managed hybrid IT solutions for enterprise, have already chosen to deploy in SG3.

“Over the years, we have seen our customers’ needs evolve to include greater demand for reliable, fast and scalable multi-cloud interconnection services in an environment that meets stringent security standards,” said Clement Goh, managing director, Equinix South Asia.

“SG3 was built to meet that demand and ensure that companies like Orange Carriers Singapore and Datapipe are ready to support their customers’ needs in return. At the same time we hope to reinforce Singapore’s position as a global data management hub by providing organisations with the ability to connect to an established business ecosystem of existing and potential customers and partners via SG3.”

With an initial investment of $53 million, SG3 is also expected to further extend Platform Equinix for customers in the region, as well as offer new paths into and out of the world’s largest financial centres.

“Equinix SG3 was chosen for its strategic location and close interconnection with SG1, which allows Orange to expand its wholesales submarine cable and LTE IPX network footprint with ease,” said Jayson Ho, director at Orange Carriers Singapore.

“As our business continues to grow in the region with our existing SMW3/SMW4 and the upcoming cable system SMW5, we need to ensure our wholesale customers have access to high-performance and high-availability bandwidth, voice and mobile LTE connectivity as well as value added RCS services.”

In January this year, TI Sparkle joined the Equinix Cloud Exchange

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