The system adds downloads on the 21MHz back to the regular 900MHz band, and the Spanish project is “the world’s first commercial implementation of dual-band high speed downlink packet access (DB-HSDPA) technology”, says Huawei.
“Huawei and Vodafone have cooperated closely to ensure the successful commercial deployment of DB-HSDPA,” said Peng Honghua, president of Huawei’s UMTS (3G) product line. “We will endeavour to assure the provision of innovative solutions, and accelerate the pace and scale of DB-HSDPA's commercial application to benefit more subscribers.”
The technique has been defined as a standard by 3GPP, the international body that is responsible for coordinating work on 3G and 4G. However, chipsets that support DB-HSDPA technology have been available only since the second half of 2015.