Hawaiki Cable signs up Oregon partner

Hawaiki Cable signs up Oregon partner

Hawaiki Submarine Cable LP has signed a long-term agreement with Alaska Communications to be its landing and operating activities partner in Oregon.

The New Zealand owner and developer of Hawaiki submarine cable system will land its proposed 14,000km trans-Pacific cable between Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and the US West Coast in Pacific City, Oregon. Hawaiki has submitted its application to the FCC.

“Oregon is probably the best state on the US West Coast to land a submarine cable. The coast is relatively safe, the state permitting process is efficient and most importantly, our customers like Oregon’s diversity and easy access to US networks and data centres,” said Gina Bohreer, senior vice president North America of Hawaiki.

“We are pleased to have a long-term partnership with Alaska Communications, who understands our customers’ requirements in terms of system performance and quality of service.”

Bill Bishop, senior vice president, business markets at Alaska Communications, added: “Today, Alaska Communications manages two geographically diverse, submarine cables between Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. We have leveraged our expertise in submarine cable operations to provide landing station and network management capabilities to several other trans-Pacific submarine systems. Now, we are pleased to extend our network managed service capabilities to Hawaiki and its Oregon landing station.”

The news comes after the completion of the marine survey of the 4,000km segment between Pacific City and Honolulu, and selecting DRFortress as its Hawaii landing partner.

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