Avelacom creates London to Istanbul route with 40.66ms roundtrip latency

Avelacom creates London to Istanbul route with 40.66ms roundtrip latency

Avelacom has launched a low-latency route connecting Interxion’s London data centre to a new point of presence (PoP) at Borsa Istanbul (BIST).

As a result of the proximity of Avelacom’s PoPs to trading venues at both ends, as well as optimised and shortened route distance via Frankfurt, the roundtrip latency from Interxion’s London facility to Istanbul’s BIST is now 40.66ms.

“We see a growing interest from our high-speed trading clients in finding liquidity and new opportunities in multiple emerging markets,” said Aleksey Larichev, Avelacom’s managing director. 

“They require a ready-to-go IT infrastructure that would allow them to be faster and more cost-effective. We believe that our new point of presence in Istanbul will be of great interest to financial companies in London, in one of the world’s largest trading centres.”

Interxion’s London data centre is home to an extensive financial services hub, made up of over 200 market participants including key equity and commodity exchanges, PoPs for 12 major global execution venues as well as international banks, brokers and trading firms. London’s capital markets players will now find it easier to enter emerging markets and exploit cross-venue arbitrage opportunities. 

Financial markets firms using quantitative, high-speed trading strategies are now able to start trading Turkey’s capital markets with no CapEx investments in IT infrastructure. They can access real-time market data, ultra-low latency order routing, colocation and proximity hosting services, as well as pre-installed cross-connects with major brokers and liquidity providers.

Bill Fenick, Interxion’s strategy and marketing director of financial services, added: “Interxion’s London Campus is at the heart of European trading. This new route will provide our established capital markets community with improved access to multiple emerging markets such as Istanbul, enabling them to execute on their European trading strategies”.

The news comes after Avelacom signed a deal with Expand Executive Search earlier this month. In February, Avelacom partnered with optical-fibre networking solutions provider PacketLight to build out its high-speed network from London to Moscow. By leveraging PacketLight’s carrier-grade hardware, Avelacom will reduce network latency and be able to meet the growing demands of capital markets for low latency data transport across the continent, particularly addressing instant access demand from the financial services.

Back in October 2016, the Russian low-latency network operator entered into a partnership with Dubai Gold & Commodity Exchange (DGCX).

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