FGL Telecom to deploy mobile network in rural Africa

FGL Telecom to deploy mobile network in rural Africa

FGL Telecom has struck a deal with a number of African agencies to deploy wireless services in rural communities across the continent.

The Toronto-based telecoms firm will begin its deployment in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in order to bring connectivity to rural areas currently lacking in connectivity or telecoms technology altogether.

The mobile network deployed will include free calling capability for rural villagers, FGL said, with international calling charged “at very cheap rates.” 

“For many people living throughout the world today, the thought of existing in a place with absolutely no cellular connection is inconceivable,” said Claude Tambu, founder and managing partner of FGL Telecom. 

“These individuals are forced to try and earn a living with no ability to communicate directly with other carriers, consumers, employees, etc. Having telecommunication connection is a basic human necessity today, and we’re determined to deliver it to those living in Africa.”

FGL Telecom said the new system will be “supported through various partners”, though did not disclose who these will be. It will begin with the DRC, with ambitions plans to deploy in every African country “left in the dark” from mobile coverage.

“We’re encouraging everyone to ask us questions and spread the word about what we’re aiming to do here,” Tambu added.

“Through international support and collaboration, we can improve the lives of millions around the world today. We’re fortunate enough to have a business model that can be integrated in any kind of community, and we look forward to working with the incredible people of the DRC.”

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