DE-CIX hits 6Tbps world record in Frankfurt

DE-CIX hits 6Tbps world record in Frankfurt

The data traffic rate of the DE-CIX in Frankfurt reached a new record high of over 6Tbps on Wednesday evening.

At a global level, the company says “this is a new peak value and thus a new world record within just a few months”. The previous record was set back in September when throughput data hit 5.88Tbps in Frankfurt, with almost simultaneous new all-time peaks in Madrid and Dubai at a time when the new Apple iOS11 operating system was released.

“In general, our traffic is characterised by wave movements and reflects the rhythm of internet use, starting at 6am in the morning and reaching its peak at around 9pm. We can also register seasonal changes – in the summer we are less online than in the autumn/ winter months. This value marks another milestone for DE-CIX,” said Harald A. Summa, chief executive officer at DE-CIX. 

The company added that DE-CIX in Frankfurt is the internet exchange (IX) with the world’s highest throughput data at peak times. However, the DE-CIX in Frankfurt is far from reaching its limits: the technical infrastructure of the IXP in Frankfurt has a total capacity of 48 Terabits. 

Over the past month, DE-CIX has been in the news as DE-CIX New York increased capacity and added 100G connectivity to CoreSite’s Realty’s NY1 data centre in Manhattan, increasing interconnection opportunities across its campus, and it has also partnered with Sparkle to launch the international services arm of TIM Group’s Virtual NAP service in Istanbul, Turkey.

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