The global network services provider already offers direct connectivity to AWS services, bypassing the internet through a private fibre optic Ethernet line, via its global high-speed bandwidth network.
Using Amazon AWS Direct Connect can, in many cases, reduce network costs, increase bandwidth throughput, and provide a more consistent network experience than Internet-based connections, it said.
IX Reach is currently operating in 11 AWS Regions – the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), EU (Ireland), EU (London), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Paris), Asia Pacific (Singapore), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo). It claims that becoming an Advanced Technology Partner can help extend this.
"We are delighted to be a part of the AWS Partner Network as an Advanced Technology Partner,” stated Simon Vye, CEO of IX Reach.
“With spend in cloud connectivity increasing by 47 percent in the second quarter this year compared to the same quarter last year, everyone should be looking at how they’re embracing cloud technology and services. I’m proud that IX Reach is fully ready and prepared to offer cloud solutions.”
IX Reach has partnerships with a number of major cloud service providers including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. It was revived last year after PCCW Global bought Console Connect’s brand, platform, and technology team, with IX Reach taking the remaining network assets and customer contracts from the deal.
Stephen Wilcox, former owner and founder of IX Reach – which was acquired by Console Connect in 2015 – took what are described as “certain network assets and customer contracts from Console Connect that will now be operated independently as a global network platform under the name IX Reach”.