Sparkle races into motorsport content delivery deal with Internet.One

Sparkle races into motorsport content delivery deal with Internet.One


Sparkle has launched a partnership with Italian-Swiss service provider Internet.One for the supply of international capacity to support the automated shooting system.

The system allows broadcasters to shoot dozens of cars taking part in motorsports at the same time and from different angles. It also makes available to each vehicle a customised production, meaning TV broadcasters can manage internal and external shots with 360-degree camera cars.

The partnership between Sparkle, which is the international services arm of the TIM Group, and Internet.One, will see the Sparkle providing international connectivity for services that have already been tested in the main European racetracks, including the Italian Grand Prix.

The technology means the in-car driving experience can be live-streamed with quality video up to 8K, and is based on telemetry and a sophisticated artificial intelligence system.

The system will use Internet.ONE Cloud infrastructure and Sparkle’s European fibre network for data flow management. The deal will leverage Sparkle’s City2City service, which offers video content transport services with capacity up to 100G, allowing users in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the UK to watch live videos.

Sparkle runs a proprietary backbone of around 530,000 km of fibre spanning from Europe to Africa, the Americas and Asia, offering a range of services, including global IP, data cloud, mobile data, and voice, to internet service providers, OTTs, media and content players and fixed and mobile providers.

The company is currently developing a new industrial plan, according to CEO Riccardo Delleani, who spoke to Capacity about his return to the carrier after six years in a recent interview with Capacity.

“We’re presenting it at the end of February to the board of directors,” he said. To find out more about Delleani’s plans for Sparkle, read our full interview from the February/ March issue of Capacity: <<>>

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