Cloud future for 75% of databases by 2022, says Gartner

Cloud future for 75% of databases by 2022, says Gartner


Three-quarters of all databases will be deployed or migrated to a cloud platform by 2022, with only 5% ever considered for repatriation to on-premises, according to a new study by Gartner.

The research and advisory firm has found that the trend will largely be due to databases used for analytics and the SaaS model.

“According to inquiries with Gartner clients, organisations are developing and deploying new applications in the cloud and moving existing assets at an increasing rate, and we believe this will continue to increase,” said Donald Feinberg, distinguished research vice president at Gartner.

“We also believe this begins with systems for data management solutions for analytics (DMSA) use cases — such as data warehousing, data lakes and other use cases where data is used for analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Increasingly, operational systems are also moving to the cloud, especially with conversion to the SaaS application model.”

Gartner research shows that 2018 worldwide database management system (DBMS) revenue grew 18.4% to $46 billion. Cloud DBMS revenue accounts for 68% of that 18.4% growth — and Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS) account for 75.5% of the total market growth.

The firm has interpreted this trend as evidence that cloud service provider (CSP) infrastructures and the services that run on them are becoming the new data management platform.

Ecosystems are forming around CSPs that both integrate services within a single CSP and provide early steps toward intercloud data management.

Gartner’s study announcement states that this is a “distinct contrast to on-premises approaches”, where individual products often serve multiple roles but “rarely” offer their own built-in capabilities to support integration with adjacent products within the on-premises deployment environment.

The research firm added that while there is “some growth” in on-premises systems, which is “rarely from new on-premises deployments”, and more likely to be the result of price increases and upgrades undertaken to avoid risk.

“Ultimately what this shows is that the prominence of the CSP infrastructure, its native offerings, and the third-party offerings that run on them is assured,” added Feinberg.

“A recent Gartner cloud adoption survey showed that of those on the public cloud, 81% were using more than one CSP. The cloud ecosystem is expanding beyond the scope of a single CSP — to multiple CSPs — for most cloud consumers.”

Enterprises becoming more software-driven and moving more services to the cloud is a subject covered by Aurelie Canales, head of product management at Telia Carrier, who explains the challenges in her latest Capacity article.

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