Virtual WAN Summit: ‘No growth’ in MPLS as enterprises move to DIA and broadband

Virtual WAN Summit: ‘No growth’ in MPLS as enterprises move to DIA and broadband

Virtual WAN summit TeleGeography.jpg

Broadband and direct internet access (DIA) are becoming more important as methods of connecting to networks, while MPLS is levelling out, according to TeleGeography.

Greg Bryan, the research company’s senior manager for enterprise research, was presenting the latest findings among wide area network (WAN) managers to this week’s virtual WAN Summit.

“MPLS hasn’t really gone anywhere,” said Bryan, who had been due to speak at the live WAN Summit in New York – now postponed because of coronavirus until later in the year. Capacity Media and TeleGeography jointly present the WAN Summit series of events.

According to Bryan’s figures, around 68% of organisations have MPLS connections (see picture), with 31% having DIA and 21% broadband. About one in 10 have wireless and just a few use satellite.

Access methods vary according to the capacity requirements, said Bryan. Use of MPLS skews towards lower capacities, he said. DIA and broadband have more users for speeds above 11Mbps.

At gigabit speeds and above “DIA is much more prevalent – MPLS can be pretty pricey at those capacities”.

Bryan’s presentation is available online here, from 32 minutes in. The first half hour covers how use of SD-WAN is helping enterprises cope with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The TeleGeography survey also looked at enterprises’ use of several cloud suppliers, with “more than 70% having two or more, and only a quarter having one”.

Very few enterprises have adopted zero-trust security (ZTS) he added – and a fifth of respondents were unfamiliar with the concept.

There are three reports on the virtual WAN Summit:

‘No growth' in MPLS as enterprises move to DIA and broadband

SD-WAN ‘helping enterprises provide remote working' in corona virus crisis 

‘No alternative’ to MPLS in some places

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