Sparkle launches PoP in Salvador, Brazil

Sparkle launches PoP in Salvador, Brazil

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Sparkle has expanded its reach in Brazil with a new point of presence (PoP) in Salvador.

This new PoP in Salvador adds to the ten existing points of presence the company has in the country specifically in Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro and Fortaleza.

All of this strengthens the performance of Sparkle’s global IP Transit service Seabone by lowering latency and improving traffic routing capabilities within Brazil and across the Americas.

In addition, local and international network providers, ISPs, content and application providers will benefit from high-speed Internet connectivity and a full set of IP solutions, including DDos mitigation services and Virtual NAP, that allows access the main internet exchange points without the need to build any proprietary infrastructure.

The new Salvador PoP is fully integrated with Sparkle’s global Tier-1 IP transit backbone Seabone boasting extensive coverage in Central and South America which has points of presence in nine countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela.

Additionally, leveraging its terrestrial and subsea networks, that include the Seabras-1 cable and the Curie cable, Sparkle offers four diversified routes for connectivity from South to North America offering redundancy and an improved data experience.

In line with this launch, Sparkle is also an few months away from opening a PoP also in Porto Alegre, in Brazil’s South-East region, to further expand its network capillarity in Brazil.

The opening of a PoP in Salvador will also improve the performance of TIM Brasil´s IP Backbone, through its 102,000km of fibre optic network across all Brazilian states, fully integrated with Sparkle’s global backbone.

At the start of May, Sparkle also added a new fibre pair on Google’s Curie subsea cable system connecting Chile to US.

The added connectivity will enhance Sparkle’s American backbone boosting its Pacific routes, particularly as Curie is the first direct new generation US-Chile cable connecting Los Angeles to Valparaiso.

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