Northern Data AG wraps up Swedish data centre site acquisition

Northern Data AG wraps up Swedish data centre site acquisition

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Northern Data AG has closed the acquisition of its site in Northern Sweden near the city of Boden.

Announced in January, the site is expected to bring the first capacity online within the next weeks and is set to contribute to the expansion of Northern Data Group's HPC infrastructure.

The company’s Northern Sweden data centre is one of up to five new Scandinavian and Canadian sites that the group is building and scaling up as part of its expansion and the growth in demand for computing power.

The sites are operated climate-neutrally using renewable energies and are characterised by scalability, efficiency and cost advantages, the company revealed.

"Our expansion is proceeding rapidly and on schedule,” said Northern Data CEO, Aroosh Thillainathan.

“We are pleased to have acquired the blueprint for the ideal location with the plant in Northern Sweden: The site is highly efficient and based on renewable energy at the most favourable conditions in the EU, while at the same time we have every opportunity to scale up almost at will.

“As a result, the site marks an important milestone in our roadmap, since it will enable us to meet the massive demand for HPC computing power very effectively. As a European company, we are not subject to the U.S. Cloud Act, which, in contrast, secures U.S. authorities access to the stored data of large American hyperscalers.

“The data sovereignty we can offer in comparison is another selling proposition that makes us particularly attractive to certain customers and drives demand."

The site in Boden currently consists of six data centre facilities on an area of 2.5 hectares.

Located around 80 kilometres south of the Arctic Circle with an average annual temperature of 1.3 degrees Celsius, the company added that the site is ideal for passive energy-saving cooling of HPC hardware.

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