Construction of hyper-connected Avalon 3 is under way

Construction of hyper-connected Avalon 3 is under way


Avalon Campus gets bigger. Construction of Avalon 3, the new hyper-connected and sustainable Data Center in Milan, is under way.

IRIDEOS, the Italian ICT hub dedicated to companies and the Public Administration, announces the construction of the new Avalon 3 Data Center, an extension of Avalon Campus, the largest Italian interconnection hub.

The operation will allow IRIDEOS to create a technologically advanced and environmentally sustainable Data Center connected to the Avalon Campus Data Centers in via Caldera. The aim is to provide companies, operators and the Public Administration with a privileged access to the center of the Italian Internet network and to advanced digital services. The project kicks off less than a year after the inauguration of the Avalon 2 Data Center.

Located within the Municipality of Milan, in the area with the highest density of Data Centers and optical fibers, Avalon 3 is just over 4 km away from the Avalon Campus in via Caldera, to which it is connected via a large number of optical fibers on different physical paths.

Thanks to the modern interconnection architecture, Customers will be able to cross connect in Avalon 3 with the over 165 Carriers, OTTs, Cloud providers and content delivery platforms already hosted in the other rooms of the Avalon Campus, as if they were in a single extended room.

The new Data Center, which covers a total area of over 3,500 square meters (37,700 square feet), will be available to Customers starting in July 2022. With a capacity of 500 racks and 3.2 MW of power, Avalon 3 will host Customer architectures or even entire Data Centers. Customers will also be able to access public Clouds or build hybrid Cloud architectures to accelerate their digitization processes.

Avalon 3 is a hyper-connected hub which, together with Avalon 2 and the Avalon Campus rooms in via Caldera, forms a single virtual Data Center, covering approximately 13,000 square meters (140,000 square feet) with a total capacity of over 2,600 racks.

Avalon 3 has been designed according to the most advanced technological standards and the highest levels of operational continuity, safety and resilience recognized by international ratings (Rating 4 - ANSI/TIA, Tier IV - Uptime Institute). The building where the Data Center will be built is certified according to the LEED Gold standard (LEED Core & Shell Gold), which guarantees sustainability not only in terms of energy and water savings, but also regarding the ecological quality of the environments, the resources and the materials used in the manufacturing process.

Avalon 3 is powered by 100% renewable energy and has been designed in an eco-sustainable way to make use of water resources for cooling. This aspect will help maintain the energy efficiency of the Data Center at a PUE target of 1.3, fully compliant with the European Pact for "Climate Neutral Data Centers" joined by IRIDEOS.

“Data Centers and Cloud infrastructures, which are the pillars of the European Digital Decade and at the heart of the Italian PNRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) strategies, are crucial for the development of the digital economy. We have decided to invest once again in the enlargement of our Avalon Campus by building a new sustainable and cutting-edge Data Center. Avalon 3, together with Avalon 2 and the rooms of the Avalon Campus in via Caldera, constitutes a single Italian hyper-connected hub, a strategic infrastructure at the service of the digitalization of companies and the Public Administration." explains Danilo Vivarelli, CEO of IRIDEOS.

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