Optage turns to HPE for its Local 5G private network deployments

Optage turns to HPE for its Local 5G private network deployments


Japanese telco Optage is selected HPE 5G core stack for its testbed Local 5G network.

HPE 5G Core Stack is an open, cloud-native, container-based 5G core network stack designed to drive automation, provide agility, and accelerate 5G service deployment.

The tests by Optage are part of Japan’s private 5G initiative, Local 5G, and will see the telco test the viability of its networks in meeting the demands of business customers, such as those in manufacturing, logistics, healthcare and education.

“HPE 5G Core Stack has been developed to increase speed, agility, and scalability in 5G deployments and enables operators like Optage to quickly validate network operations and see the business benefits,” said Hiroshi Miki, general manager, communications technology group, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Japan.

“We’re honoured to support Optage with their Local 5G testing and to help them accelerate the launch of their service.”

Local 5G is Japan's government-backed initiative to build private networks that plug that gaps between public networks, or meet a specific requirement, such as factory automation. To support the rollout of these networks, the licensed spectrum is different from that used by mobile operators and made available at a nominal fee.

Sony Wireless Communications and Nokia are just two of the major global names that confirmed their own Local 5G projects late last year.

For its part, Optage is testing a highly reliable and secure private 5G network to explore the possibility of offering Local 5G services for business customers.

The telco said HPE's 5G Core Stack was selected for the job because "the pre-integrated, automated software stack can be quickly and easily deployed within hours".

It is available as a pre-integrated software and hardware platform via the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform. By deploying HPE 5G Core Stack on a pay-as-you-use basis with the HPE GreenLake platform, HPE said telcos can "deploy a 5G core network with reduced risk and little upfront investment by aligning costs to the number of subscribers".




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