Telefónica partner ‘has cloud-based quantum key system’

Telefónica partner ‘has cloud-based quantum key system’

Denis Mandich Qrypt.jpg

A New York-based company that is working with Telefónica says it has developed a quantum-based key system that is available in the cloud.

Qrypt says its key generation approach allows enterprises to generate symmetric encryption keys at multiple endpoints independently.

CTO and co-founder Denis Mandich (pictured) said: “Qrypt’s new key generation technology enables today’s security-minded enterprises to make practical use of the most secure encryption in the world within a digital environment.”

He warned about the “harvest now, decrypt later” threats that many in the industry are warning about, including Laura Thomas, a former CIA agent now working for ColdQuanta, in a recent article in Capacity. Mandich said: “Companies need to be taking a hard look at their security infrastructure to ensure that they are protecting their sensitive data.”

Qrypt said its approach to the generation of symmetric keys at any point across an enterprise’s security infrastructure completely bypasses the need for a complicated – and usually expensive – key distribution channel.

The company said that one of the main goals of this technology is to make quantum encryption inexpensive, easy to use, and scalable – so that it became a practical option for most enterprises.

It said it offers high speed, high-volume quantum key generation, powered by an algorithm that uses high-quality quantum entropy sources.

Qrypt said all are based on published technology with a roadmap of new quantum source types from respected research partners. It named US labs such Los Alamos and Oak Ridge.

The company said: “An added benefit is that the symmetric generation enables for digital one-time pad encryption to be used. Though it’s proven to be the most secure form of encryption, since the key had to be the same size as the data file itself, doing one-time pad digitally was an impractically slow process that required a lot of network bandwidth.”

Qrypt said its approach “can generate digital one-time pad keys anywhere quicky – negating those impracticalities”.

Last year Telefónica said it was working with two quantum companies, Qrypt and Barcelona-based Quside, to integrate the emerging quantum security technology into its own cloud service that is hosted in its virtual data centres.

Kevin Chalker, founder and CEO of Qrypt, is chair of the board of directors of Quside. Mandich is a board member of Quside as well as being CTO of Qrypt.

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