Nokia and NTT partner on 5G private wireless in Thailand

Nokia and NTT partner on 5G private wireless in Thailand

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Nokia has entered into a partnership with NTT Ltd to make private wireless networking solutions available to more than 3.2 million enterprises across Thailand.

Deployed at multiple enterprise business parks across Thailand, Nokia 5G private wireless solutions will transform business critical applications and use cases across sectors including manufacturing, mining, healthcare, and education.

“We’re very excited to expand our partnership with Nokia and deploy the private wireless networks across multiple enterprise business parks in Thailand," said Sutas Kongdumrongkiat, chief executive officer of NTT Ltd in Thailand.

"This joint initiative will provide Thai industry access to the most advanced 5G technology and applications, enabling automation, robotics, and digital transformation solutions that drive productivity and efficiency, and keep workers safe.”

Private wireless networks are designed to connect devices in remote or industrial not well-served by WiFi. The partnership is designed to create an flexible environment for enterprises and industries across Thailand, enabling businesses to take full advantage of Industrial loT, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

“We are pleased to partner with NTT and deploy our leading-edge 5G private wireless networking solutions across Thailand," said Ajay Sharma, head of Thailand and Cambodia at Nokia.

"Digital transformation is increasingly seen by industry as a means to achieve business growth and sustainability goals. This agreement, spanning Nokia wireless, software, and infrastructure, is designed to accelerate the implementation and adoption of Industry 4.0 applications and use cases across Thai enterprises.”

The partnership spans a range of Nokia networking solutions including the Nokia Digital Automation Cloud, and network automation and industrial digitalization edge platform: MX Industrial Edge.

By combining the technology and resources of NTT and Nokia, enterprises in Thailand across various industries will have access to a suite digital technologies that enabling use cases such as digital twins, video analytics and machine vision with real-time video and IoT streams, as well as pre-integrated industrial devices and a catalogue of applications.

“We are proud to be supporting the Thai Government’s agenda of digital transformation," added Raghav Sahgal, president of cloud and network services at Nokia.

"Nokia plans to roll this initiative out to other markets to help drive economic growth in the Asia Pacific and Japan region.”

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