Colt research reveals opportunities for AI

Colt research reveals opportunities for AI

Portrait Ruth Welter

There are growth opportunities critical to AI adoption and digital infrastructure according to a new report from Colt Technology Services.

The Digital Infrastructure Report highlights growth opportunities for partners, with technologies rated ‘absolutely essential’ to AI rollout named as 5G (cited by 22%), agile connectivity and edge (20%).

The report also outlines opportunities for partners selling consumption-based networks, as uncertainty drives business to build flex into their organisations.

Colt’s survey of 755 IT leaders across countries in Europe and Asia revealed enterprises are seeking to expand their knowledge of AI and intelligent infrastructure though diversity of different partners.

The research states that 34% are turning to SaaS providers; one in three (33%) to hardware vendors; and 32% to connectivity partners or systems integrators. 31% look to consultants for advice and 29% to CSPs.

“Our research provides a perfect snapshot of what’s top of mind for vendors right now and it reveals exciting growth opportunities for partners and resellers. At the same time, the IT leaders we spoke to were very open about what they’re missing,” said Ruth Welter, VP – Strategic Alliances, Colt Technology Services.

“The vendor/partner relationship has been redefined over the past few years: partners are now in a unique position as advisors, consultants and even mentors with their deeper understanding of enterprise technology.

“Working together as part of a collaborative global partner ecosystem leaves them better connected than ever before. It’s the ideal time for partners to fill any integration gaps, to come together and to take advantage of the next digital revolution.”

The research also highlights ‘pain points’ between IT leaders and partners with almost one in five respondents (19%) saying relationships with external partners are their biggest obstacle and more than one in four (28%) naming poor integration as a barrier to the easy management of digital infrastructure. 34% said a lack of partner APIs held them back.

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