10 takeaways from Messaging and SMS World

10 takeaways from Messaging and SMS World

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After two bustling days at Messaging and SMS World last week, the Capacity team looked back to the conversations and presentations that took place in London – here are 10 things we learned.

1. Trust in SMS as a communications channel is at an all-time low, which is pushing enterprises to use alternative channels such as RCS, WhatsApp, CPaaS, even email. The industry needs to collaborate and implement multiple strategies to regain and retain that trust, and thus revenues.

2. Consumers need to feel that their data is safe, that transactions are safe. Multiple security points and authentication procedures help to reinforce this.

3. 40% of operators are entering exclusivity rate agreements, and this coupled with increasing termination rates is driving artificially inflated traffic.

4. Apple is tipped to launch RCS capabilities in Beta this summer, with commercial launch in autumn, which will accelerate adoption. However, more work needs to be done to educate consumers and marketing agencies to launch RCS campaigns.

5. RCS adoption is very successful in markets like India and Brazil, because the RoI and engagement is much better than other channels and enterprises are willing to spend for results. The fact that RCS has not had much take-up in the US yet is a dampener on the progress of the ecosystem.

6. AI is facilitating fraudulent activity, with spammers automating attacks at scale.

7. Mobile identity and silent authentication are leveraging the network operator’s data on their customers to verify legitimate usage of a specific number.

8. Telco fraud represents 43% of all fraudulent activity and drains approximately £30-40 bn per year globally. Messaging fraud isn’t just limited to impacting the telecoms industry. The proceeds are used to fund organised crime.

9. Voice messages are on the rise, adding a new layer of complexity and personalisation to marketing campaigns, but also opening up to AI-generated voice fraud.

10. Social media has lost its impact – multi-channel and RCS communications are one of the most powerful, effective channels to get across to customers.

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