MasOrange and Vodafone Spain team up on new fibreco

MasOrange and Vodafone Spain team up on new fibreco

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Vodafone Spain and MasOrange have signed a confidential non-binding term sheet setting out the proposed key terms for a national network sharing agreement

The proposed transaction will involve Vodafone Spain and MasOrange creating a joint fibre network company (FibreCo) that will cover approximately 11.5 million premises across Spain and will provide fibre access services to both companies within this footprint.

The initial ownership split of the FibreCo between the two operators will be based on customer numbers within the footprint.

The Parties plan to bring a third-party financial investor into the share capital of the new company that will take a 40% share. MasOrange are expected to own 50% with Vodafone Spain owning the remaining 10%.

The new fibre company will provide access to a modern fibre optic network, and Zegona, Vodafone Spain’s parent company following a sale last year, said it will aim to adopt new technologies, while stimulating investment and innovation.

It also aims to meet high ESG standards thanks to energy savings compared to existing networks.

The proposed transaction is subject to final agreement between the parties and any required regulatory approvals.

“Creating this new FibreCo in partnership with MasOrange is a key part of our plan to transform Vodafone Spain.” Said Eamonn O’Hare, Chairman and CEO of Zegona,

“It will deliver a highly efficient fibre infrastructure for our customers with leading fixed line technology which will be at the forefront of the industry. The Proposed Transaction is expected to create significant incremental value for all Zegona stakeholders. We will have more news to share as we progress the transaction to completion.”

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