UK, India team on new landmark security initiative

UK, India team on new landmark security initiative

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The UK Government has launched the UK-India Technology Security Initiative to foster critical collaboration on telecom security and stimulate investment in emerging technologies.

David Lammy, the UK’s foreign secretary announced the initiative during his first visit to India where he met senior Indian government officials including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The initiative has been spearheaded and agreed upon by the National Security Advisors (NSAs) following negotiations between both countries to expand collaboration in critical and emerging technologies across priority sectors.

It will set out a new approach for how the UK and India work together defining technologies of this decade including AI, quantum, advanced materials and semiconductors.

The agreement was delivered on behalf of UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and builds on a series of partnerships between the British and Indian governments, industry and academia.

Lammy said: “This government will put growth at the heart of our foreign policy. That’s why three weeks into the job, I am in Delhi announcing a new Technology Security Initiative to deliver on the promise of the UK-India relationship.

“This will mean real action together on the challenges of the future from AI to critical minerals. Together we can unlock mutual growth, and boost innovation, jobs and investment.

“We are also accelerating our joint work on the climate crisis – ensuring brighter, safer futures for Brits and Indians. This government is reconnecting Britain for our security and prosperity at home.”

A new £7 million funding call for Future Telecoms research was also announced by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and India’s Department of Science and Technology under the India-UK science, technology and innovation partnership.

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