Nokia to boost network API use cases with latest partnership

Nokia to boost network API use cases with latest partnership

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Bounteous x Accolite, a digital transformation services consultancy will use Nokia’s Network as Code platform with a developer portal, to create new use cases in areas like healthcare and gaming that harness 5G network capabilities.

The agreement builds on the API ecosystem that Nokia is building with operators, system integrators, software developers and hyperscalers around the world to tap into network capabilities and monetise network assets through the creation of new use cases.

“We are thrilled to bring Bounteous x Accolite into the growing ecosystem of partners utilising network APIs,” said Shkumbin Hamiti, head of network monetisation platform, Cloud and network services at Nokia.

“With its advanced technology solutions and developer capabilities, Bounteous x Accolite is well-placed to tap the valuable capabilities that 5G and 4G networks offer and create new forms of value for its customers.”

The Network as Code platform brings several parties together into a unified ecosystem which simplifies network complexities by abstracting them and exposing developer-friendly interfaces.

These interfaces allow developers to deploy applications across multiple public and private networks.

Using the platform, Bounteous x Accolite developers will have access to operator networks via Software Development Kits (SDK); network API documentation; a ‘sandbox’ to create software code for use case simulation and testing; and code ‘snippets’ that can be included in new applications.

Those tools allow developers to leverage network capabilities, like quality of service (QoS) on demand, and create new use cases and value for their customers.

Bounteous x Accolite and Nokia are initially focusing on enabling healthcare applications that allow patients and hospitals, for example, to track ambulance locations to accelerate response times in emergency situations.

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