Data: AI to create 12m new jobs by 2025

Data: AI to create 12m new jobs by 2025

AI robot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to generate around 12 million jobs by the end of next year, new research has revealed.

According to a new whitepaper by Khazna Data Centers, ‘Navigating the Economic Landscape of Data Centers’, in partnership with WhiteShield, data centres are driving economic opportunities and job creation thanks to the new tool.

The research revealed that the expansion of data centres globally will require significant labour for planning, construction and operation, contributing to employment growth.

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As a result, each facility generates approximately $243.5m in local economic output, sustains 157 jobs and contributes $32.5m to the local economy, alongside $1.1m in government revenue.

Meanwhile, the report emphasised AI workloads are now accounting for over 20% of global data centre capacity, claiming that there is a strong correlation between readiness for AI in its workforce and the proficiency of its data infrastructure, which is “crucial” for supporting seamless data flows and services across borders.

Khazna, senior director of strategy and planning, Johan Nilerud said: "The digital revolution has highlighted the critical role of data centres in powering the next wave of digital transformation.

“This report highlights not only the direct economic and employment impact of data centre investment, but the critical foundation data centre infrastructure plays in enabling and catalysing societal benefit such as upskilling workforce across a spectrum of professions, fuelling cross-sectoral growth through entrepreneurship and investment, and powering innovation to secure a sustainable future.”

Whiteshield partner, Phillipe Nahas added: “Investing in robust data centre infrastructure is not just about technological advancement; it's a strategic catalyst for economic prosperity and job creation.

"Our latest whitepaper, in partnership with Khazna Data Centers, underscores the value of nations harnessing the transformative power of AI to propel global economies into the future.”


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