Singtel launches first nationwide quantum-safe network in Southeast Asia

Singtel launches first nationwide quantum-safe network in Southeast Asia


Singtel has today unveiled Southeast Asia’s first national quantum-safe network plus (NQSN+), an initiative that employs cutting-edge quantum security solutions to shield enterprises from emerging quantum threats.

The NQSN+ network was first announced last year as part of Singapore’s Digital Connectivity Blueprint, which outlines the next bound of its digital connectivity up to 2030, including being quantum-safe in 10 years.

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Alongside the launch, the company has introduced a bespoke programme that allows businesses to trial these advanced technologies before full-scale adoption, ensuring they are well-prepared for the quantum era.

The Quantum-Safe Network (QSN) developed by Singtel supports a wide array of network and security devices, offering seamless integration and enhanced connectivity for enterprises seeking to secure their communications across Singapore. This sophisticated network also extends quantum-safe security to new applications and use cases, including identity, mobility, and authentication services.

Ng Tian Chong, CEO of Singtel Singapore said: “Singtel has always been at the forefront of safeguarding our nation's digital infrastructure.

“While quantum computing is still in its early stages, its rapid advancement is already impacting critical sectors such as banking, healthcare, and government services.

“We are committed to ensuring that Singapore is prepared for these developments. Our specially curated programme is designed to equip enterprises with the skills and knowledge necessary to future-proof their networks against potential quantum threats.

“We encourage all businesses focused on enhancing their digital resilience to engage with us and get ready for the quantum age.”

Last year, Singtel was selected by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to develop Singapore’s first NQSN+, a move aimed at strengthening the nation’s resilience against quantum threats over the next decade.

To facilitate the adoption of quantum-safe technologies, Singtel is launching a three-phase pilot programme. This initiative includes exploration workshops to raise awareness and develop use cases, integration testbeds to validate interoperability, and live trials to assess network behaviour and operational aspects.

In addition, Singtel will collaborate closely with businesses to develop tailored quantum-safe use cases specific to their industries, ensuring that each enterprise can secure its critical networks.


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