DfE launches £45m plan to boost school connectivity

DfE launches £45m plan to boost school connectivity

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The Department for Education (DfE) has unveiled a £45 million investment to strengthen connectivity and establish digital standards as a requirement for all schools in England.

As a result, it has launched a consultation to gather feedback on its goal for all schools and colleges to meet six key digital standards by 2030.

According to the DfE, the investment includes £25 million to upgrade wireless networks this year, ensuring classrooms are online and £20 million to complete fibre upgrades for 833 schools.

The consultation also outlines core standards covering broadband internet, wireless networks, network switches, digital leadership and governance, filtering and monitoring and cybersecurity.

The move forms part of the 11 digital and technology benchmarks introduced by the DfE in 2022.

However, despite 72% of school IT leads being aware of these standards, only 16% reported meeting them.

According to the organisation, the eight-week consultation gives educators a voice, inviting them to share their views on the proposals, their readiness to meet the six standards and any support they may need.

Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, said: “We are modernising our education system with a digital revolution in classrooms - improving children’s life chances through higher standards of teaching and learning.

“I won’t tolerate a system where some children benefit from innovation whilst others are left disconnected, and I am determined to level the playing field.

"That means secure and accessible technology for every school and the right support for teachers and leaders to help us break the link between background and success as we deliver on our Plan for Change.”


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