Nvidia unveils AI Aerial: Simulation telco tools to design AI-enabled RAN tech

Nvidia unveils AI Aerial: Simulation telco tools to design AI-enabled RAN tech

NVIDIA Aerial AI Radio Frameworks used to create a simulation of telecoms infrastructure

Nvidia has launched AI Aerial, a suite of software and hardware solutions telecom providers can leverage to design and deploy AI-enabled radio access network (AI-RAN) technologies.

Nvidia’s AI Aerial offering lets telcos simulate AI-RAN solutions before deployment, enabling providers to save costs while designing new services for both enterprise and consumer markets.

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“[AI Aerial] will become a critical foundation to allow network optimisation at scale to serve the demands of a host of new services,” Ronnie Vasishta, SVP for telecoms at Nvidia wrote in a blog post. “This will provide significant savings in total cost of ownership and open telecom operators to new revenue opportunities for enterprise and consumer services.”

Nvidia’s AI Aerial solution can host both generative AI and RAN traffic, with operators able to design solutions for optimising their networks or develop new solutions aimed at emerging markets, such as providing wireless connectivity for robot manufacturing and autonomous vehicles.

The platform includes software libraries that enable users to develop and deploy virtualised RAN workloads, as well as tools for training models to improve spectral efficiency.

Among those software solutions is Sionna, a link-level simulator enabling users to train network-based 5G and 6G radio algorithms.

The AI Aerial platform also includes Aerial Omniverse Digital Twin (AODT), which creates simulations of wireless systems, with operators able to create accurate depictions of base stations with realistic terrain and object properties of the physical world.

Big name telcos including T-Mobile, Ericsson and Nokia are working with Nvidia to launch the AI-RAN Innovation Centre, which will leverage the AI-RAN suite to deliver transformational network experiences for customers.

“AI-RAN is set to revolutionise the telecom industry, and the opening of the AI-RAN Innovation Centre will help to take us on this journey by driving industry collaboration,” said Tommi Uitto, president of Mobile Networks at Nokia.

“By bringing together leading companies in the telecom and AI industries, we can unlock the full potential of AI in our networks, improving performance, reducing costs and creating new opportunities for our customers.”

Other partners already leveraging Nvidia’s AI Aerial solution include SoftBank, Fujitsu, and ETH-Zurich.

Ansys and Keysight are using the AODT tool for testing and simulation systems, while several universities, including Northeastern, are working with Samsung to leverage Nvidia’s Aerial AI Radio Frameworks for their 6G research.


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