UN experts propose global AI framework to foster equitable development

UN experts propose global AI framework to foster equitable development

UN’s High-Level Advisory Body on AI (HLAB-AI) meet in New York

Experts advising the United Nations have recommended the creation of a global data framework to support local AI development and improve access to training and computing resources for researchers and social entrepreneurs, aiming to foster more equitable AI opportunities worldwide.

The UN’s High-Level Advisory Body on AI (HLAB-AI) released seven key recommendations designed to serve as a blueprint for ensuring that the transformative potential of AI is shared globally and equitably.

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“I fully support these recommendations, which provide a blueprint to build on existing efforts and together, shape an international AI architecture that is inclusive, agile, and effective — for today and the future,” said Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the UN.

“I want to express my deep gratitude to every member of the Advisory Body for their dedication and hard work. I urge all stakeholders to give these recommendations their fullest consideration.”

The Advisory Body on AI was formed at the request of the Guterres to create recommendations for the international governance of AI.

The body contains some 32 experts from government, the private sector, and civil society. Formed in October 2023, the group has been working on the recommendations for the best part of a year, publishing its interim findings last December.

In their final report, the body of experts suggests the UN establish an International Scientific Panel on AI, which would provide impartial scientific knowledge about AI and related technologies.

The panel will help member states develop a shared understanding of AI to foster common knowledge about AI risks and trends.

The advisory board also called on the UN to create a “global AI capacity development network” that would provide computing resources and AI datasets to researchers around the world.

In addition to the network, the experts also recommended the UN establish a global AI fund which would invest in compute and models to provide counties with a way to access “AI enablers, putting a floor under the AI divide.”

The proposed AI fund would be backed by financial contributions from public and private sources and would be managed by an independent governance structure.

“Only global collective action can incentivise interoperability, stewardship, privacy preservation, empowerment, and rights enhancement,” the report reads.


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