Zayo launches two new US fibre routes connecting key metro areas

Zayo launches two new US fibre routes connecting key metro areas

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Zayo has unveiled plans to establish two new long-haul fibre routes linking Columbus, Ohio to Ashburn, Virginia, and another connecting Dallas, Texas with Atlanta, Georgia.

The US-based company has already struck a signed commitment to underpin the network expansions, which combined will add more than 1,200 miles of fibre to Zayo’s footprint.

The Columbus to Ashburn link will add around 400 route miles of high-capacity fibre, offering one of the lowest latency routes between Colombus, which is a growing data centre hub, and “Data Center Alley” in Northern Virginia, which has one of the largest concentrations of data centres in the world.

The route itself will run across West Virginia, providing a new fibre backbone for the state and opening strategic opportunities for Zayo.

The second route, which will link two major metro markets in Dallas and Atlanta, is set to span around 870 miles of route fibre. Zayo has identified both cities, among the top-10 population centres in the US, as key strategic markets for the company due to growth in metro fibre driven by more fibre-to-the-tower builds.

All of this adds to Zayo’s existing 128,900 mile network running across North America and Europe. Construction on both expansions is set to begin next year, the company said

“To meet continued demand for dark fibre, we are building unique new routes between strategic markets,” said Jack Waters, CTO and president of Fiber Solutions at Zayo. “These expansions will provide superior options for direct, high-capacity, latency-sensitive paths connecting data and population centres to cloud platforms and end users.”

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