Data: Cloud security outage could be 'catastrophic' for firms

Data: Cloud security outage could be 'catastrophic' for firms

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Failing cloud security could be “catastrophic” for businesses, new research has warned.

According to a survey commissioned by Auxilion and conducted by Censuswide, cloud security threats are a concern for 73% of UK enterprises currently using the cloud over the next 12 months.

The research also found that 72% of respondents currently using the cloud described a potential cloud outage as “catastrophic” for their business.

Despite the concerns, 90% of respondents are now using the cloud, with 88% intending to implement more infrastructure and applications over the next year.

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Auxilion, CTO Donal Sullivan, said: “What the survey data highlights is the delicate balancing act enterprise leaders need to manage.

“As they migrate more to the cloud, potential security threats increase and so do the chances of outages, which can cause major disruption to organisations. This means businesses need to be more proactive when it comes to securing their data and responding to incidents.

“We’ve all read about high-profile outages that have damaged organisations in many ways - especially reputationally and financially.

"The impact can be felt for many years, which is why enterprises require the right technologies and partners to ensure security is a number one priority.”


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