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  • Using its exclusive data, Renesys provides an overview of the IP transit market in 2011.
  • Poland’s economy is the second largest in eastern Europe behind Russia, and it is blessed with fierce local demand for telecoms services as well as being strongly positioned to cater for growing international connectivity between Asia and Europe.
  • With an addressable population just shy of one million, the Qatari telecoms industry is not one of the largest markets in the Middle East.
  • Mobile operators will need to up their game if tomorrow’s increased traffic levels are to be handled. But is this a challenge they are in danger of underestimating, or one they are on top of? Guy Matthews reports.
  • The CDN market is a game of margins, vertical plays and network attributes. ATLANTIC-ACM surveyed 140 buyers of global CDN services to discover just what they want from these three areas.
  • The CDN market is a game of margins, vertical plays and network attributes. ATLANTIC-ACM surveyed 140 buyers of global CDN services to discover just what they want from these three areas.
  • Widespread consolidation, investment in new services and an expansion of network capacity does not happen without raising capital. Telecoms is proving big business and it is continually adding value as a major sub-sector of the world economy. Kavit Majithia asks how telecoms operators manage financing requirements.
  • As telcos seek to expand their horizons, Richard Irving investigates the business solutions to be found in vertical sectors. From the well-established financial vertical, to opportunities in media and healthcare, he asks where carriers will head next?
  • Experiencing explosive levels of end user growth and infrastructure development, but at the same time weighed down by recent corruption and scandal, Alex Hawkes examines the exciting but erratic Indian telecoms market.
  • Singapore had a good recession. In 2009, the country’s economy was in much the same doldrums as the rest of the developed world. But at the beginning of 2010, its government felt confident enough to withdraw a raft of economic stimulus measures it had put in place a year previously to shield the country’s private and public sectors and preserve jobs.
  • Whether negotiating areas of political conflict or tackling Arctic conditions, the telecoms industry is facing challenges on many fronts. Guy Matthews investigates the difficulties in reaching the world’s most geographically isolated communities.
  • As subsea routes become increasingly congested, can the development of terrestrial networks offer a valuable alternative for the global carrier community? Alex Hawkes investigates how new terrestrial projects could transform international connectivity between Europe and Asia.
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