Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
Trio offers trials for a quantum key distribution service connecting London’s financial hub
Intel will use technology from symmetric key distribution firm Arqit to enhance its post-quantum cryptography protection, the two firms announced today.
Singtel will develop Singapore’s first National Quantum-Safe Network Plus (NQSN+) for enterprises in partnership with IDQ.
Nokia and Proximus confirm the successful completion of Europe’s first live hybrid quantum encryption key trial.
Vodafone and IBM are urging companies in the telecoms supply chain to make sure they are ready for the post-quantum world.
Deutsche Telekom (DT) is to lead the construction of a quantum-secured communications system for the European Union.
Forthcoming events
Trials of a "world first commercial quantum secured metro network" launched in London yesterday, which uses quantum key distribution (QKD) to help secure the transmission of data and information between multiple physical locations.
Quantum cryptography company Arqit has responded to media criticisms that have seen its share price drop 30% in five days and 43% in a month.
Quantum security company Arqit has won a role at the heart of the UK’s integrated military command system.
Fujitsu says it has successfully developed the world’s fastest quantum computer simulator capable of handling 36-qubit quantum circuits.
A New York-based company that is working with Telefónica says it has developed a quantum-based key system that is available in the cloud.
A company backed by two universities and the security services has opened a lab in London so that potential users can explore quantum computing.
Quantum security company Arqit has won a deal to provide security for the Saudi Arabian project to build a new smart city, Neom.
OTTs, 2022 trends and BT's Andrew Lord on QKD and hollow core fibre
The security that the internet has relied on for decades is broken. Fortunately, the cavalry, in the form of quantum keys, is riding to the rescue, writes Alan Burkitt-Gray
There’s a message that quantum computing expert Michele Mosca delivers to Capacity Europe on Thursday: don’t panic.
BT is to build what it calls the world’s first quantum-secured commercial metro network, operating from London to Bristol.
Quantum satellite start-up Arqit has signed a deal with Juniper Networks to explore network security technology.