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  • Twelve months ago the global financial crisis was everywhere in the news: the most optimistic assessment was that we might avoid a depression, and instead experience only a recession.
  • Telecoms and datacoms equipment tracked by Infonetics Research grew 8% in 2008, with worldwide revenue totalling $150 billion, driven in large part by currency appreciation against the US dollar.
  • Atlantic-ACM’s 2008-2013 Sizing and Share for Wireline Voice and Data, The Broadband and Business Boom forecasts continued growth in total data revenue and steep declines in wireline voice.
  • Infonetics Research’s analysis of vendor financial reports shows major double-digit increases year over year for equipment vendor service revenue, which more than offsets product revenue declines for some vendors in the Tier 1 category (vendors with $7 billion or more in annual revenue).
  • Alexander Shepherd, TMT partner for law firm Simmons & Simmons in Dubai, looks at the regulatory challenges that remain in the Middle East.
  • A number of subsea cable breaks in 2008 highlighted the lack of route diversity in the Middle East. Guy Matthews asks how the problem is being addressed.
  • Much has changed in telecoms in Saudi Arabia in the last couple of years. Greater openness and increased demand for services bode well for the future.
  • As next-generation networks (NGNs) become more common the issue of regulation is becoming increasingly pertinent.
  • In an era of shared facilities, co-location and the unbundling of the local loop, there’s nothing new about the idea of more than one company making use of the same physical infrastructure.
  • Traditionally virtualisation describes the techniques of hiding the physical characteristics of computing resources from the way in which other systems, applications and users interact with them.