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Subsea Resource Hub
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Sparkle confirms the activation of the terrestrial section of the BlueMed cable connecting Aqaba in Jordan to Sparkle’s Mediterranean backbone.
Zayo Group confirms the availability of its 400G enabled network in Europe delivering enhanced capacity and scalability for businesses across the continent and the globe.
Google has announced the launch of Nuvem, a new transatlantic subsea cable system that will connect Portugal, Bermuda, and the US.
SUNeVision Holdings (SUNeVision) and HKBN Group (HKBN) have started the development of their joint-investment subsea cable system, TKO Connect.
SubCom has been selected to manufacture and install the Al Khaleej Cable, which is solely owned and operated by Batelco, part of the Beyon Group.
PT Telkom Indonesia International (Telin) and Citranet Sarana Digital (Citra Connect) have formed a partnership with the aim of boosting internet connection speeds.
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